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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Dammit I am behind...

*Things crazy hectic at work...
*A team I coach had many practices for Regionals and was one freaking point out of 280 from going to Nationals...
*Watching some crazy Olympic hoodoo, still trying to learn the rules of Curling...
*Politics, ugh, Pres. Obama...still need to get on your game, man, come on!
*Shutter Island, if you read the book, you should like the movie. Great opening weekend, so I guess moving it out of the Fall was smart, but I wish the actors had some Academy chances...
*Discovered a new author that I think is fantastic --more later--but he won't replace Robert B. Parker in my heart.
*Beatles: Rock Band, 'nuff said.

Well that's an attempt to explain where I have been ... I hope to keep up better in the coming months.


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