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Friday, August 29, 2008

To My Five Faithful Readers...

I'm off. I'll see you on Tuesday...

keep reaching for the stars.

Obviously I support President Elect Obama...

But this is still the funniest damn thing I've seen in awhile. The Daily Show is consistently fantastic.

David Duchovny has a sex addiction?

I have always enjoyed the X Files, and I hate to engage in criticism of someone's misfortune...but...

1) Duh, have you seen Californication?

2) Who doesn't?

3) Hey when is X-Files 2 coming out I've been looking forward to it for years.....ohhhhhh, dammit.

"Hey, Hillary voters, we have a chick over here.."

Gov. since December 4, 2006.

In picking a VP, only one thing is truly important (more so if you have a candidate in his 70s). Is she ready to be President? McCain failed. So much for his vaunted "judgment." He decided to pander to women voters rather than ensure the country was in stable hands. Women voters should be insulted. As one astute observer already pointed out, "Governor, you're no Hillary Clinton."

If the Gov. would have run in the Republican primaries, how fast do you think McCain would have dumped on her experience to lead?

Nice move, Sen. McCain

This was classy. Never said you weren't classy though, just that your policies are Bushesque.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

"I've got news for you John McCain"

"America, we cannot turn back. Not with so much work to be done. Not with so many children to educate, and so many veterans to care for. Not with an economy to fix and cities to rebuild and farms to save. Not with so many families to protect and so many lives to mend. America, we cannot turn back. We cannot walk alone. At this moment, in this election, we must pledge once more to march into the future. Let us keep that promise -- that American promise -- and in the words of Scripture hold firmly, without wavering, to the hope that we confess."

I didn't think that I would see a day, even in my lifetime, that an African American would be nominated by a major party for President of the United States. I was born not very long after the time where black men and women were being lynched in the South for even thinking about voting. Now, not only has a good man been nominated for our highest office--but he's a man of inspirational voice after eight years with one of no voice. Some days it's okay, as President Clinton says, to still believe in a place called Hope.

I'm not sure what else needs to be said about this.


McCain adviser: Everyone in U.S. has some health coverage


A McCain adviser speaks out on the uninsured.

(CNN) – A health care policy adviser for the McCain campaign told a newspaper reporter that nobody in the United States is technically uninsured, because everyone has access to hospital emergency rooms.

I was just asked to predict...


(I'm taking September 20, because I have tickets.) For what it's worth, the site is at 24!

Munster Update

Eddie up there is going around town telling various media outlets that he left the Sun Times (despite recently signing a three year, $$$ full extension) because newspapers are dying, and because the Chicago media is "soft."

Well, WSCR (AM 670 The Score, in Chicago) is reporting a source that Eddie actually tendered his resignation after being told he couldn't write a column on Obama because Rick Telander had already put one down. The story goes that Eddie tenders his resignation on a regular basis to get his way, except this time, the Sun Times took him up on it.

I hope this story is true.

You know, Eddie, you had a great job. You were given basically a full freakin page at a major American Newspaper in a top market to write about Sports. You had access (that you reportedly seldom used) to some of the greatest athletes of our time. Michael, Tiger, Walter, Ryno, Frank, the list goes on and on. Frankly, you wasted a dream gig choosing not to revel in the luck that landed you a great lot in life just to be a dick. I read your work. You were a good writer. I'm by no means above a little sarcasm and snark as well--in fact I quite enjoy it. But, Eddie, there was never any real joy in your prose.

Think about what you got to do for a living a bit, will you. Watch sports. Write about it. A lot of people would want your job. Not that many people want to be you.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I think I like this guy...

"Again and again, on the most important national security issues of our time, John McCain was wrong, and Barack Obama was proven right.

Folks, remember when the world used to trust us? When they looked to us for leadership? With Barack Obama as our president, they'll look to us again, they'll trust us again, and we'll be able to lead again."

Okay, You've Stopped...for this moment...

Okay Princess Pantsuit...I'm hearing good reviews about your speech...

And the call for a unanimous ballot on the Big O was a good move...


I'm not entirely convinced yet...

But for now, you've at least stopped pissing me off...

Bruiser's Mailbag

Today's Item of Fun
A baseball signed by Ernie Banks,
Ryne Sandberg, Fergie Jenkins, and Billy Williams, officially licensed from the Chicago Cubs at
I don't need this stuff,
but I sure do like it.


Lewis Black
Friday, Sep 5
The Chicago Theatre
“If you're working out in front of a mirror and watching your muscles grow, your ego has reached a point where it is now eating itself. That's why I believe there should be a psychiatrist at every health club, so that when they see you doing this, they will take you away for a little chat.”

Truer Words...

Who is Bruiser Cherryhill? Part II

There were two goals in finding a suitable epithet:

1) It had to on some small level allow me to spout out whatever I would like on this blog without compromising my earning capacity in my present location.

2) It had to be really, really stupid.

I think you will agree that I have achieved both goals.

For those who many wonder of its etymology, it came from my favorite version of the, ahh, adult entertainment star name game....

1. First Pet Name: Bruiser (a reasonable fascimile thereof is above)
2. Street you grew up on: Cherry Hill Road

And there ya go.

Dammit, don't make me switch to McCain

Big O, come on now, don't you know you need the support of the northsiders? In a very recent interview at the Convention, the Big O stated:

"You go to Wrigley Field, you have a beer, beautiful people up there. People aren't watching the game. It's not serious. White Sox, that's baseball."

As R. Roeper so rightly pointed out today, this is the OLDEST living cliche between North Side and South Side baseball.....and it is so not true. Well, it's true you have some beauties in the bleachers (and God Bless Em Every One) but as a fan of baseball, not just the northside variety, I've been to many a White Sox game. Have you ever seen the fan deck at The Cell??? It is OVERLOADED with people hanging out, having a good time, drinking their beverages of choice and, certainly NOT WATCHING THE GAME.

I appreciate a man who sticks with his team (This means you, Hillary and your Senate Run induced Yankee Cap)--but let's at least have some perspective. Sigh. I'll still vote for you, but I hope you get all the information when discussing foreign policy, because you don't have it all when it comes to Cubs v. Sox.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Eddie Munster is OUT...

I just heard on WGN (Home of the Cubs) that Jay Mariotti has resigned from the Sun Times. If this is true, I have mixed feelings. Any sportswriter too wussy to appear in a pro locker room (see White Sox, Mariotti, wussy) probably should be looking for another line of work. Further, I've met the man a couple of times, and, frankly, he's got extreme pud like tendencies.
Nevertheless, as a columnist, he always seemed to get people talking...and, rightly or wrongly, isn't that a job of a good columnist? Discuss among yourselves. Oh, and here too if you want.

Stop Pissing Me Off Hillary Clinton....

Look, I voted for your husband twice...

I'm a hard D...


I was never gonna vote for you...

It's not sexism...I'm not against a woman being President...I'm against you being President.

I'm also against passing the Presidency back and forth between the Bush and Clinton families like Lindsey Lohan at a Key Party...

Sure, your family gets the short end of that draw, but that's life...

You got 18 Million votes ... You really should be Congratulated. Al Gore got 50 Million Votes and that didn't turn out so well for him now didn't it.

Stop asking me for money to pay off debt you shouldn't have incurred once it was obvious you lost the nomination by not taking the threat of the Big O seriously enough early on...

Now, you are hijacking the D Con and hurting the chances of your party by your lukewarm support for the Nominee. As evidenced by this headline in US News "Sometimes It Feels Like Clinton is Still Running Against Obama"

Please, stop pissing me off. I simply have enough on my plate without your help.

I completely stole this...

..but I thought the end result was cool...

I saw it at who apparently saw it at someone else's site who saw it at another friend's sight..and so on....

Theivery thy name is Bruiser...

"The idea is simple. Answer twelve questions, input the answers as a search item in Flickr and choose the best image. Then, create a Flickr Mosaic Maker. It sounded like lots of fun."

What is your favorite food? Deep Dish, Chicago Style. Not on the diet, can't help myself.

What high school did you go to? Home of the Steelmen. It's not really ambiguously gay. It's historical. Really.

What is your favorite color? Sky Blue.

Who is your celebrity crush? SMG Baby. "She saved the world. A lot."

What is your favorite drink? Goose Island Orange Cream Soda. It's a creamsicle in a glass. A frosty glass, please.

What is your dream vacation? I went with Rome. Lately I've been thinking about Europe, that may change.

What is your favorite dessert? Banana Cream Pie. Again, going with the classics.

What do you want to do when you grow up? Grow up? The photo is more ironic than anything...

Who/ what do you love most in life? Well, there ya go...

Choose one word that describes you? I chose "redemption" as I've been thinking about that concept lately and this photo appeared. It was kinda an accidential rorachach test...I'm not sure if the photo fits, but me like...

What is your Flickr name? The last half is four digits of a phone number I always can recall...


He's a complicated man ...

He's a modern man, digital and smoke free...

A Man of Letters...

The kind of guy who likes to live on the edge...

He's 40.59 miles from Chicago, he's got a quarter tank of gas, can't smoke, it's dark, and he's wearing sunglasses. (Metaphorical sunglasses, BUT SUNGLASSES NONE THE LESS)



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