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Friday, February 27, 2009

Stop Pissing Me Off, Conservative Crazies...

From CNN's Poltical Ticker:

"WASHINGTON (CNN) – Another prominent Republican told the Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday that the president’s spending plans are pushing the country to the brink of socialism.

Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina, the only member of the senate to earn a perfect rating from the American Conservative Union, called President Obama “the world’s best salesman of socialism” on Friday in describing his prime time speech earlier this week.

DeMint, a fierce opponent of government expansion, told the CPAC crowd that conservatives might have to “take to the streets to stop America’s slide into socialism.”

His remarks comes a day after Mike Huckabee told the conference of conservative activists that “the Union of American Socialist Republics is being born” with the president’s stimulus package.

“Lenin and Stalin would love this stuff,” Huckabee said of the government bailing out financial institutions."

You couldn't have had a more business friendly environment than you had for the last eight years under President Doofus, and we all saw what happened right? Come on...what would you propose that the Government should do--let the free market roam unchecked, watch as all of the banks and financial institutions collapse, and we fall even farther into depression.

Your cries of "socialism" disgust me. Eight years of tax cuts for the wealthy and complete negligence at the governmental watchdog agencies nearly destroyed us. No one has a perfect plan for fixing the problem, but if you can't come up with something helpful other than the same old name calling, then shut the fuck up.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

What's with these guys lately

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I make these shots all the time.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Every Year I Watch and I Don't Know Why...

Hugh... Bad. Bad. Bad. Bad. Bad. Bad. You could maybe have saved it by pulling out the claws and taking Mickey Rourke on...but other than that. Bad. And don't try to sing with Beyonce again. Ever. Leave the woman be.

Slumdog Overload... Bad. Sure, everyone who has seen it has said it's excellent, and, it's not fair to comment probably until I check it out...yet, it sure made for a boring, suspenseless show.

Kate Winslet... Good award, probably more like a lifetime achievement award than for this particular movie...Bad dress. Come on, you're a hottie, (see, Little Children, Washing Machine).

The aforementioned Beyonce. Good. Not a fan of your normal pop stuff, but who can deny you have the pipes.

Mickey Rourke losing to Sean Penn for Best Actor. Bad. Sean Penn's acceptance speech. Good. "You commie homo loving sons of b's...." Come on, perfect.

Ben Stiller and Natalie Portman. Funny and Yummy.

Tina Fey and Steve Martin. Good. Let them host. Please, let them host. Spare us the bad, bad Jackman...

The five on five award presentations for the major awards. Kinda cool. I'd say keep it, but it would probably lose it's luster after awhile.

The fact that all the winners were basically known before the ceremony... Crappy. I need a couple of surprises to get me through the night. Although, that being said, I'm still glad Heath got his well deserved posthumous award.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Sorry Fan(s)!

I have been labor intensive at the place that pays for my food this week. I'll be back soon, probably bitching about the Oscars or some such.


Friday, February 13, 2009

The SI Swimsuit Issue is a yearly Objectification of Women

More Sports Illustrated Swimsuit:
Bodypainting |
NBA Dancers |
Danica Patrick |
Tennis Stars |
All Models |
Video Collection

And I'm having a hard time caring, at the moment. Also, did I need another reason to dislike Leo? (Okay, The Departed was think about baseball...think about baseball).

My Lost Innocence

"On Friday, February 13, pitchers and catchers report to camps for the Cubs, Tigers, Royals, Angels, Dodgers, Brewers, Mets, Yankees, Pirates and Mariners. On Saturday, they do so for the Braves, Diamondbacks, Orioles, Reds, Rockies, Marlins, Astros, Athletics, Phillies, Padres, Giants, Cardinals, Rays, Rangers and Nationals." says

On Saturday, dealers of performing enhancing chemicals report to the camps of the Cubs, Tigers, Royals, Angels, Dodgers, Brewers, Mets, Yankees, Pirates and Mariners. On Saturday, they do so for the Braves, Diamondbacks, Orioles, Reds, Rockies, Marlins, Astros, Athletics, Phillies, Padres, Giants, Cardinals, Rays, Rangers and Nationals.

Hard to be Bipartisan when one Side is full of Dicks

Considering that Pres. Obama's plan for a stimulus package consisting of some combination of federal spending and middle class tax cuts has been around not far since the economic crisis broke in the campaign, it is more than a little disingenuous for Sen. Pullout to suddenly claim he can't be Commerce Secretary (after asking for the gig) because of fundamental disagreements with the President's policy.

Now, the stimulus plan is passing in the House with no Repub votes, and still only three are planning on voting for it in the Senate. This would be somewhat understandable if the Repubs would just OFFER A DIFFERENT PLAN but a little CSPAN will show you that all they are complaining about is a demand for upper class tax cuts--you know, the same failed economic policies of the last eight years.

By voting against the package, they get to preen if the economy continues to flounder--which it surely will in the short term--while offering nothing of substance to help their constituents who are suffering and losing jobs.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Stim City

It appears the highly touted proposal to cap executive compensation for companies accepting Fed. funds under the stimulus plan did not make it through the compromise session. Sigh.

I wouldn't count too heavily on Caterpillar to come through for you, Mr. President.

Apparently, schools are one of the hold ups. Really? We can't agree on schools?

Time presents 25 folks you can thank for this mess. Check it.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'm getting closer...

It appears that the pending stimulus bill is going to pass or die along party lines, with an incredible no votes in the house and only three in the Senate from Republicans. I'm starting to wonder how much of that is political positioning, rather than true opposition to the contents of the bill--particularly when some Republican Governors, like the respected Gov. of Florida, Charlie Crist, is campaigning in favor of the package based on the economic hardships his state is going through.

The Pres. is finally out making some impassioned pleas for this bill--I don't pretend to be an economist or understand its ramifications--but I'm beginning to be sold on the idea that it is better to do something than not to try.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Doesn't the Pope have anything better to do????

Despite eyewitness accounts, archival evidence, years of historical documentation and admissions of fact on the part of the German government, there are still people, who are, in fact, clearly idiots. These particular idiots deny the holocaust ever happened. Apparently, and perhaps unsurprisingly, one of these idiots was recently allowed back into the Catholic Church by Pope Palpatine I.

CNN reports: Bishop Richard Williamson, recently pardoned by His Holiness, stated just before the excommunication was lifted: "I believe that the historical evidence is strongly against -- is hugely against -- 6 million Jews having been deliberately gassed in gas chambers as a deliberate policy of Adolf Hitler...I believe there were no gas chambers."

The dude lives, and this is not a joke, in Argentina. I wonder if he got his views by hanging with Cardinal Mengele. You Sir, are obviously just what the Catholic Church needs coming out the back end of pedophile scandals--Nazi sympathizers.

You are an idiot.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I'm not sold yet...

I hate to be a doubter, but what I've seen coming out about the stimulus package appears to dump more federal money into existing federal programs, rather than new job creation or infrastructure programs. Now, maybe the moneys are to be used by the existing fed. agencies in job creation--but this doesn't appear to be the "New Deal" type recovery package the nation needs, but rather, a compromise version of what can be passed... That being said, here's the Prez, arguing for the program. I have great faith in his ability, but I'm not sold on this bill...yet.

Friday, February 6, 2009

I'm having too much fun with these

Thursday, February 5, 2009

50 Points and a Triple Double?

Um, looks like the same guy who figures Brian Urlacher's tackles counts Lebron's rebounds...

Still a great need to pad the stats...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Pushin the plan...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hey this is new...

"WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama is taking responsibility for mistakes in the handling of the tax controversy that led to Tom Daschle's withdrawal as President Barack Obama's nominee to be health and human services secretary, saying: "I screwed up."
The president did a series of back-to-back television interviews in which the subject of failed nominees was a top subject.

Obama told NBC "I'm frustrated with myself" for unintentionally sending a message that there are "two sets of rules" for paying taxes, "one for prominent people and one for ordinary folks."

Story here.

Personal responsibility from the Commander in Chief...someone please help me here, is this legal? Is it Constitutional? What is going on? I don't understand....


Mere seconds after the Dr. posted asking for Dasche's withdrawal....this came in...

Tom Daschle has withdrawn his name from consideration for secretary of Health and Human Services, the Associated Press reports. Story here.


I am a Democrat and I've Paid My Taxes...

Guess I'm a rarity these days....the New York Times came out firing today on Health and Human Services Nominee Tom Daschle, and with good damn reason. You may have heard that there's been a bit of an "oversight"on his 1040EZ ...

"Mr. Daschle’s tax shortfall is particularly troubling because it comes on the heels of another nominee’s failure to pay taxes due. We were not pleased when the president’s Treasury secretary, Timothy Geithner, admitted that he had failed to pay tens of thousands of dollars in federal self-employment taxes while working for the International Monetary Fund despite having signed paperwork acknowledging the obligation.

Now we are confronted with an even larger lapse by Mr. Daschle, who failed to pay $128,000 in taxes, primarily for personal use of a car and driver provided to him by a private equity firm for which he consulted."

Read the full editorial.

Okay, I can see maybe missing out on a couple thou, but this is borderline obscene. And these are my guys! This is not a good start.
Come on, Mr. President, where's the vetting? The campaign was inspiring, the inauguration was a seminal moment in American history...the first couple weeks in office....ennnnh. Two straight tax cheats in a row being pushed during confirmation hearings takes the heat off your stimulus plan. This is not the way to change the way business is done in D.C.! It's early, and my hopes are still high, but come on!!! Let's do this thing...

Daschle needs to withdraw, and someone who hasn't committed a felony level tax "mistake" nominated. What needs to be done in regard to health care is much too important for this distraction. Peace.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Phelps to guest star on That 70s Show remake

Ooops....hey, the kid is 23, he spends more time underwater than Aquaman, he treated us to one of the greatest athletic performances in history in 2008...if the kid wants to light up once in awhile, this is the first sign I've noticed that he's human. Well, that and the constant listening to the Ipod.

No need to apologize to this ranter...but maybe watch the cameras next time, my man.

Isn't there a rule...

That the Super Bowl is supposed to be crappy....not live up to the hype, etc? We've had two fantastic games in a row--what the hell's going on???


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