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Friday, February 13, 2009

Hard to be Bipartisan when one Side is full of Dicks

Considering that Pres. Obama's plan for a stimulus package consisting of some combination of federal spending and middle class tax cuts has been around not far since the economic crisis broke in the campaign, it is more than a little disingenuous for Sen. Pullout to suddenly claim he can't be Commerce Secretary (after asking for the gig) because of fundamental disagreements with the President's policy.

Now, the stimulus plan is passing in the House with no Repub votes, and still only three are planning on voting for it in the Senate. This would be somewhat understandable if the Repubs would just OFFER A DIFFERENT PLAN but a little CSPAN will show you that all they are complaining about is a demand for upper class tax cuts--you know, the same failed economic policies of the last eight years.

By voting against the package, they get to preen if the economy continues to flounder--which it surely will in the short term--while offering nothing of substance to help their constituents who are suffering and losing jobs.



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