Blamin' Palin
Wow. There's something odd going on here. Two days ago, McCain staffers and the jolly good folks at Fox Snooze were perfectly happy to have Gov. Palin as next in line for the Presidency--now, Fox (That's right, Fox) is reporting McCain staffers stating that Palin didn't know such things as, well, whether Africa was a continent. If you've ever read this know I'm not exactly a fan of the Gov. Still, it's awfully hypocritical two days after an election to so completely toss under the bust this woman you were endlessly touting as being qualified for the Vice Presidency.
I'm not sure even I buy that she was as ridiculously uninformed as the staffers are making her out to be (FOX News not actually being, news, per say). She was a bad pick--but if she truly was as woefully unprepared as you say, then, John McCain, for the good of the country, should have dropped her from the ticket. I just heard someone say on MSNBC that the Repubs have a habit of trying to appeal to "Joe Six Pack" during elections and then pissing all over them immediately thereafter. This may be another prime example of the Repub hypocrisy machine.
I feel a bit bad for the Gov. if the 47 million or so votes her ticket got didn't make me a bit scared for what might have been.
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