There's a reason people tend to like ex-presidents once they are out of office.
I've been known to throw some harsh on W. but props go where props are deserved. There's sort of an unwritten rule that the most recent ex-president doesn't criticize the new administration in the first few months of the office. Sort of a "respect for the job" kinda deal. I get it. They are in an elite club and, politics aside, they uniquely understand the stresses of the gig. It's good to hear George is abiding by this principle even after being (deservedly) but viciously attacked in the Fall election
"Getting two standing ovations at his first speech since leaving office, former President George W. Bush said that if President Obama wants help, “he can pick up the phone and call.” Otherwise, Bush said: “He deserves my silence.” “There's plenty of critics in the arena,” Bush told a crowd in Calgary, Canada. “I think it's time for the ex-president to tap dance off the stage and let the current president have a go at solving the world's problems. If he wants my help and I agree with him, I'll give it.”
Of course, George being George, he couldn't help but stick his foot in his mouth once...
"I actually paid for a house last fall. I think I'm the only American to have bought a house in the fall of 2008.” Ohhhhhhh, not good.
Anyway, if only the prince of Darkness would abide by the same rules of consideration...course, he never had much class...
"This stands in sharp contrast with former Vice President Dick Cheney, who has twice hammered Obama in media interviews."
Read the rest at Politico.
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