I completely stole this...
..but I thought the end result was cool...
I saw it at http://seanmcdevitt.blogspot.com/ who apparently saw it at someone else's site who saw it at another friend's sight..and so on....
Theivery thy name is Bruiser...
"The idea is simple. Answer twelve questions, input the answers as a search item in Flickr and choose the best image. Then, create a Flickr Mosaic Maker. It sounded like lots of fun."
What is your favorite food? Deep Dish, Chicago Style. Not on the diet, can't help myself.
What high school did you go to? Home of the Steelmen. It's not really ambiguously gay. It's historical. Really.
What is your favorite color? Sky Blue.
Who is your celebrity crush? SMG Baby. "She saved the world. A lot."
What is your favorite drink? Goose Island Orange Cream Soda. It's a creamsicle in a glass. A frosty glass, please.
What is your dream vacation? I went with Rome. Lately I've been thinking about Europe, that may change.
What is your favorite dessert? Banana Cream Pie. Again, going with the classics.
What do you want to do when you grow up? Grow up? The photo is more ironic than anything...
Who/ what do you love most in life? Well, there ya go...
Choose one word that describes you? I chose "redemption" as I've been thinking about that concept lately and this photo appeared. It was kinda an accidential rorachach test...I'm not sure if the photo fits, but me like...
What is your Flickr name? The last half is four digits of a phone number I always can recall...
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