Stop Pissing Me Off Hillary Clinton....
Look, I voted for your husband twice...
I'm a hard D...
I was never gonna vote for you...
It's not sexism...I'm not against a woman being President...I'm against you being President.
I'm also against passing the Presidency back and forth between the Bush and Clinton families like Lindsey Lohan at a Key Party...
Sure, your family gets the short end of that draw, but that's life...
You got 18 Million votes ... You really should be Congratulated. Al Gore got 50 Million Votes and that didn't turn out so well for him now didn't it.
Stop asking me for money to pay off debt you shouldn't have incurred once it was obvious you lost the nomination by not taking the threat of the Big O seriously enough early on...
Now, you are hijacking the D Con and hurting the chances of your party by your lukewarm support for the Nominee. As evidenced by this headline in US News "Sometimes It Feels Like Clinton is Still Running Against Obama"
Please, stop pissing me off. I simply have enough on my plate without your help.
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