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Friday, October 31, 2008

Reagan Chief of Staff Supports...The Socialist?

From CNN:

Former Reagan chief of staff Ken Duberstein told CNN's Fareed Zakaria this week he intends to vote for Democrat Barack Obama on Tuesday.
Duberstein said he was influenced by another prominent Reagan official - Colin Powell - in his decision.

"Well let's put it this way - I think Colin Powell's decision is in fact the good housekeeping seal of approval on Barack Obama."

Powell served as national security advisor to Reagan during Duberstein's tenure as chief of staff.

Happy Halloween...But Be Careful... never know what you might run into.

Fight the Robocalls! lol. Very clever..

Wednesday, October 29, 2008



The Wink

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Closing Arguments...Unedited...Make Yo Choice

In this corner, the gentleman from Arizona (less distinguished since he started this thing) Sen. John "Me So Maverick" McCain:

"You know, my friends, we've heard a lot of words over the course of this election. After months of campaign trail eloquence we'vefinally learned what Senator Obama's economic goal is. As he told Joe the plumber up in Ohio, he wants to spread the wealth around.

He believes in redistributing in wealth, not in policies that grow our economy and create jobs and opportunities for all Americans. Senator Obama is more interested in controlling who gets your piece of pie than he is growing the pie.

Senator Obama may say he's trying to soak the rich but it's themiddle class who are going to get wet.

You know a lot of his promised tax increases miss the target. Pay for nearly a trillion dollars of new government spending, his tax increase would impact 50 percent of small business income in this America and the jobs of 16 million middle class Americans who work for those small businesses.

So I ask our small business people to raise your hands so we can thank you. Thank you, Joe the doctor, Joe the plumber, the car dealer, thank you all.

Thank you, the men and women who are making our economy grow. Our economy is in trouble, my friends. We know that. We've lost over 700,000 jobs and it's 300,000 jobs that have been created by small business. My friends, whether you're Joe the plumber in Ohio or Gary the dentist in Alamonte Springs or Jesus the restaurant owner in Orlando or Christine the florist in Plant City or Bob the boat builder and Tony the teacher, we shouldn't be taxing our small businesses more as Senator Obama wants to do.

We need to be helping them expand their businesses and create jobs. These small-business owners have achieved the same dream Joe the plumber has. They now own their own businesses and combined employ hundreds of thousands of workers because they've been successful. Senator Obama wants to spread their wealth around.

That's exactly the wrong approach in an economic slowdown. Just today, just today we received news that jobless claims has increased by 15,000. Senator Obama's tax increases would put even more people out of work.

The answer to a slowing economy is not higher taxes but that's exactly what is going to happen when the Democrats have total control of Washington. We can't let that happen and I won't let it happen.

Now I don't how much you've seen but we've already seen a preview of their plan and it's pretty simple: Tax and spend. Now, the chairman of a powerful committee in the House of Representatives said this week that they quote, "Are going to focus on an immediate increase in spending" and then he went on to say there are quote "a lot of very rich people out there who we can tax." Really? Is there really? Is there really?

You know my friends, you've got Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barack Obama, you've got… you've got a recipe for tax and spend, tax and spend, tax and spend. What should concern the American people is that the Democratic budget plan they passed just this year with Senator Obama's help called for raising taxes on people making just $42,000 per year.

No wonder he thinks there are a lot of very rich people out there. Everybody is rich when you define rich as $42,000 a year.

This week we learned that Senator Obama is concerned that his plan for wealth redistribution is welfare so he just added a work requirement. Thirteen days to go in this election and he changed his tax plan because the American people had learned the truth about it and they didn't like it.
My friends, that's just another example that he'll say anything to get elected.

So now if you're unemployed Senator Obama's plan won't help you at all even as his tax increase makes fewer jobs available so you can back to work and that's the problem with Senator Obama's approach on taxes. He's more concerned about using taxes to spread the wealth than creating a plan that creates job and grows our economy.

Now, my friends, the McCain-Palin tax plan is the real thing. We're going to double the tax deduction for every family. We'll cut the capital gains tax. And we'll cut business taxes to help create jobs and keep American businesses in America.

As Joe and small business owners across this country have now reminded us all, America didn't become the greatest nation on Earth by giving our money to the government to spread the wealth around. In this country, in this country we believe in spreading opportunity for those who need jobs and those who create them.

And that's exactly what I intend to do as president of the UnitedStates.

My friends, you know the next president won't have time to get used to the office. We face many challenges here at home and many enemies abroad in this dangerous world.

This weekend, this weekend Senator Biden guaranteed, he guaranteed, he said: "Mark my words, that if Senator Obama is elected we will have an international crisis to test America's new president."

We don't want a president who invites testing from the world at a time when our economy is in crisis.

Americans are fighting already in two wars. Yesterday Senator Obama tried to explain this away, this warning, by saying that his running mate sometimes engages in rhetorical flourishes. Now, that's another of saying that he accidentally delivered some straight talk.
My friends, Senator Biden referred to how Jack Kennedy was tested in the Cuban Missile Crisis.
I have a little personal experience in that. I was a Navy pilot onboard the USS Enterprise. And I was ready to go into combat at any moment.

I was ready to go into combat at any moment and I know how close we came to a nuclear war. And I will not be a president that needs to be tested. I have been tested. Senator Obama hasn't.
My friends, it shows in his responses to our challenges abroad. What's more troubling is that Senator Obama told their campaign donors that when that crisis hits they would have to stand with him because it wouldn't be apparent that Senator Obama would have the right response.

Forget apparent, we know Senator Obama won't have the right response.
Senator Obama said this morning if you want to know how he would respond in a crisis, look what he's done during his campaign. But we've seen the wrong response from him over and over during this campaign. He opposed the surge strategy that is bringing us victory in Iraq and will bring us victory in Afghanistan.

My friends, I will bring our troops home but I will bring them home in victory and honor and not defeat.
He said he would sit down unconditionally with the world's worst dictators … including the Castro brothers.

When Russia invaded Georgia, Senator Obama said the invaded country should show restraint. He has been wrong on all of these.

My friends, you know we can't spend the next four years as we have spent much of the last eight hoping for our luck to change at home and abroad. We have to act. We need a new direction and we have to fight for it, my friends.

I've been fighting for this country since I was 17 years old and I have the scars to prove it.
If I'm elected — If I am elected president I will fight to shake up Washington and take America in a new direction from my first day in office until my last. I am not afraid of the fight, I am ready for the fight.

I'm not going to spend $750 billion of your money just bailing out the Wall Street bankers and brokers that got us into this mess. I am going to make sure we take care of the working people who are devastated by the excesses, greed and corruption of Wall Street and Washington.
Now, my friends. We all know what triggered this crisis. The subprime lending, the home loan crisis. My friends, we've got to keep people in their homes.

I have a plan to protect the value of your home and get it rising again by buying up bad mortgages and refinancing them so you can afford it so if your neighbor defaults he doesn't bring down the value of your house with him. We must preserve the American dream. We have to keep people in their homes and those home values rise, that's the American dream. Let's stop taking care of Wall Street. Let's start taking care of the homeowners of American and let them realize the American dream.

I have a plan to let retirees and people nearing retirement to keep their money in their retirement accounts longer so they can rebuild their savings.
I have a plan to hold the line on taxes and cut them to make America more competitive and create jobs here at home.
Raising taxes makes a bad economy much worse. Keeping taxes low creates jobs, keeps money in your hands and strengthens our economy.

The explosion of government spending — my friends — the explosion of government spending over the last eight years has put us deeper in debt to foreign countries that don't have our best interests at heart. It weakened the dollar and made everything you buy much more expensive. If I am elected president, when I'm elected president I won't spend nearly a trillion dollars more of your money. Senator Obama will and he can't do that without raising your taxes or diggingus further into debt. I am going to make government live on a budget just like you do.

I will freeze government spending on all but the most important programs like defense, veterans' care, Social Security and health care until we scrub every single government program, get rid ofthe ones that aren't working for the American people.

And every single earmark pork barrel bill that comes across my desk, I will veto them, and I will make them famous and you will know their names.
I want to tell you again, I will make them famous, these pork barrelers, we'll get rid of them.
If I — When I am elected president I won't make it harder to sell our goods overseas and kill more jobs. Senator Obama will. I'll open new markets to goods made in America. And make sure our trade is free and fair and I'll make sure we help workers who have lost a job that won't come back, find a new one that won't go away.

Senator Obama wants to raise taxes and restrict trade. The last time America did that in a bad economy it led to a Great Depression. You know they say that those who don't learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.

Well, I know my history lessons and I won't make the mistakes that Senator Obama seeks to repeat.

When I am elected president we are going to stop sending $700 billion a year to countries to buy their oil that don't like us very much.

The other night in the debate I acknowledged Senator Obama's eloquence but you had to pay attention to his words.

For example, he said he would quote, "consider" offshore drilling, consider. My friends when I am president we will drill offshore, we are going to drill offshore and we've got to drill now and I've got to tell you also, let me also tell you…
Let me also tell you — Let me also tell you — I want to also tell you, and I've committed this to Charlie Crist in the state of Florida and all those states. You need to get a lot more of those revenues to stay in the state of Florida if we're going to drill offshore of the state of Florida.
And the state of Florida deserves more of those revenues and my friends, that's what this is all about.

Senator Obama wants to delay drilling, he is against building new nuclear power plants in America.

And when I am president we will start and we will invest in all energy alternatives, nuclear, wind, solar, tide, we will encourage the manufacture of hybrid, flex — hybrid, flex and electric automobiles.

We'll invest in clean coal technology. We will lower the cost of energy within months and we will create millions of new jobs in America, my friends.

Let me give you a little straight talk, my friends. We have less than two weeks until the election. And what America needs now is a fighter, someone who puts all of his cards on the table and trusts the judgment of the American people.

I have fought for you most of my life. There are other ways to love this country but I've never been the kind to do it from the sidelines.

My friends, look, I know you're worried. I know you're worried. America is a great country but we're at a moment of national crisis that will determine our future.
Let me ask you, will we continue to lead the world's economies or will we be overtaken? Will the world become safer or more dangerous? Will our military remain the strongest in the world? Will our children and grandchildren's future be brighter than ours?

My answer to you is yes, yes we will lead.

Yes, we will lead, yes we will prosper, yes we will be safer, yes we will pass on to our children a stronger, better country but we must be prepared to act swiftly, boldly, with courage and wisdom. My friends, I'm an American and I choose to fight. Don't give up hope. Be strong. Have courage and fight.

Fight for a new direction for our country. Fight for what's right for America.
Fight to clean up the mess of corruption, infighting and selfishness in Washington.
Fight to get our economy back out of the ditch and in the lead. Fight for the ideals and character of a free people. Fight for our children's future. Fight for justice and opportunity for all.
Stand up to defend our country from its enemies. Stand up. Stand up. Stand up and fight. America is worth fighting for.

Nothing is inevitable. We never give up, we never quit, we never hide from history, we make history.

Now let's go win this election and get this country moving again. Thank you and God bless you and God bless America. And thank you all. Thank you.

And now, the Sen. from Illinois who is about to prove that we dislike George W. Bush enough to elect a black man, Barack "Don't blow this for me Biden" Obama:

After decades of broken politics in Washington, eight years of failed policies from George Bush, and twenty-one months of a campaign that has taken us from the rocky coast of Maine to the sunshine of California, we are one week away from change in America.

In one week, you can turn the page on policies that have put the greed and irresponsibility of Wall Street before the hard work and sacrifice of folks on Main Street.

In one week, you can choose policies that invest in our middle-class, create new jobs, and grow this economy from the bottom-up so that everyone has a chance to succeed; from the CEO to the secretary and the janitor; from the factory owner to the men and women who work on its floor.

In one week, you can put an end to the politics that would divide a nation just to win an election; that tries to pit region against region, city against town, Republican against Democrat; that asks us to fear at a time when we need hope.

In one week, at this defining moment in history, you can give this country the change we need.
We began this journey in the depths of winter nearly two years ago, on the steps of the Old State Capitol in Springfield, Illinois. Back then, we didn’t have much money or many endorsements. We weren’t given much of a chance by the polls or the pundits, and we knew how steep our climb would be.

But I also knew this. I knew that the size of our challenges had outgrown the smallness of our politics. I believed that Democrats and Republicans and Americans of every political stripe were hungry for new ideas, new leadership, and a new kind of politics – one that favors common sense over ideology; one that focuses on those values and ideals we hold in common as Americans.
Most of all, I believed in your ability to make change happen. I knew that the American people were a decent, generous people who are willing to work hard and sacrifice for future generations. And I was convinced that when we come together, our voices are more powerful than the most entrenched lobbyists, or the most vicious political attacks, or the full force of a status quo in Washington that wants to keep things just the way they are.

Twenty-one months later, my faith in the American people has been vindicated. That’s how we’ve come so far and so close – because of you. That’s how we’ll change this country – with your help. And that’s why we can’t afford to slow down, sit back, or let up for one day, one minute, or one second in this last week. Not now. Not when so much is at stake.
We are in the middle of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. 760,000 workers have lost their jobs this year. Businesses and families can’t get credit. Home values are falling. Pensions are disappearing. Wages are lower than they’ve been in a decade, at a time when the cost of health care and college have never been higher. It’s getting harder and harder to make the mortgage, or fill up your gas tank, or even keep the electricity on at the end of the month.
At a moment like this, the last thing we can afford is four more years of the tired, old theory that says we should give more to billionaires and big corporations and hope that prosperity trickles down to everyone else.

The last thing we can afford is four more years where no one in Washington is watching anyone on Wall Street because politicians and lobbyists killed common-sense regulations. Those are the theories that got us into this mess. They haven’t worked, and it’s time for change. That’s why I’m running for President of the United States.

Now, Senator McCain has served this country honorably. And he can point to a few moments over the past eight years where he has broken from George Bush – on torture, for example. He deserves credit for that. But when it comes to the economy – when it comes to the central issue of this election – the plain truth is that John McCain has stood with this President every step of the way. Voting for the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy that he once opposed. Voting for the Bush budgets that spent us into debt. Calling for less regulation twenty-one times just this year. Those are the facts.

And now, after twenty-one months and three debates, Senator McCain still has not been able to tell the American people a single major thing he’d do differently from George Bush when it comes to the economy Senator McCain says that we can’t spend the next four years waiting for our luck to change, but you understand that the biggest gamble we can take is embracing the same old Bush-McCain policies that have failed us for the last eight years.

It’s not change when John McCain wants to give a $700,000 tax cut to the average Fortune 500 CEO It’s not change when he wants to give $200 billion to the biggest corporations or $4 billion to the oil companies or $300 billion to the same Wall Street banks that got us into this mess It’s not change when he comes up with a tax plan that doesn’t give a penny of relief to more than 100 million middle-class Americans That’s not change.

Look – we’ve tried it John McCain’s way. We’ve tried it George Bush’s way. Deep down, Senator McCain knows that, which is why his campaign said that “if we keep talking about the economy, we’re going to lose" That’s why he’s spending these last weeks calling me every name in the book. Because that’s how you play the game in Washington. If you can’t beat your opponent’s ideas, you distort those ideas and maybe make some up. If you don’t have a record to run on, then you paint your opponent as someone people should run away from. You make a big election about small things.

Ohio, we are here to say “Not this time. Not this year. Not when so much is at stake.” Senator McCain might be worried about losing an election, but I’m worried about Americans who are losing their homes, and their jobs, and their life savings. I can take one more week of John McCain’s attacks, but this country can’t take four more years of the same old politics and the same failed policies. It’s time for something new.

The question in this election is not “Are you better off than you were four years ago?” We know the answer to that. The real question is, “Will this country be better off four years from now?”
I know these are difficult times for America. But I also know that we have faced difficult times before. The American story has never been about things coming easy – it’s been about rising to the moment when the moment was hard. It’s about seeing the highest mountaintop from the deepest of valleys. It’s about rejecting fear and division for unity of purpose. That’s how we’ve overcome war and depression. That’s how we’ve won great struggles for civil rights and women’s rights and worker’s rights. And that’s how we’ll emerge from this crisis stronger and more prosperous than we were before – as one nation; as one people.

Remember, we still have the most talented, most productive workers of any country on Earth. We’re still home to innovation and technology, colleges and universities that are the envy of the world. Some of the biggest ideas in history have come from our small businesses and our research facilities. So there’s no reason we can’t make this century another American century. We just need a new direction. We need a new politics.

Now, I don’t believe that government can or should try to solve all our problems. I know you don’t either. But I do believe that government should do that which we cannot do for ourselves – protect us from harm and provide a decent education for our children; invest in new roads and new science and technology. It should reward drive and innovation and growth in the free market, but it should also make sure businesses live up to their responsibility to create American jobs, and look out for American workers, and play by the rules of the road. It should ensure a shot at success not only for those with money and power and influence, but for every single American who’s willing to work. That’s how we create not just more millionaires, but more middle-class families. That’s how we make sure businesses have customers that can afford their products and services. That’s how we’ve always grown the American economy – from the bottom-up. John McCain calls this socialism. I call it opportunity, and there is nothing more American than that.

Understand, if we want get through this crisis, we need to get beyond the old ideological debates and divides between left and right. We don’t need bigger government or smaller government. We need a better government – a more competent government – a government that upholds the values we hold in common as Americans.

We don’t have to choose between allowing our financial system to collapse and spending billions of taxpayer dollars to bail out Wall Street banks. As President, I will ensure that the financial rescue plan helps stop foreclosures and protects your money instead of enriching CEOs. And I will put in place the common-sense regulations I’ve been calling for throughout this campaign so that Wall Street can never cause a crisis like this again. That’s the change we need.

The choice in this election isn’t between tax cuts and no tax cuts. It’s about whether you believe we should only reward wealth, or whether we should also reward the work and workers who create it. I will give a tax break to 95% of Americans who work every day and get taxes taken out of their paychecks every week. I’ll eliminate income taxes for seniors making under $50,000 and give homeowners and working parents more of a break And I’ll help pay for this by asking the folks who are making more than $250,000 a year to go back to the tax rate they were paying in the 1990s No matter what Senator McCain may claim, here are the facts – if you make under $250,000, you will not see your taxes increase by a single dime – not your income taxes, not your payroll taxes, not your capital gains taxes. Nothing. Because the last thing we should do in this economy is raise taxes on the middle-class.

When it comes to jobs, the choice in this election is not between putting up a wall around America or allowing every job to disappear overseas. The truth is, we won’t be able to bring back every job that we’ve lost, but that doesn’t mean we should follow John McCain’s plan to keep giving tax breaks to corporations that send American jobs overseas I will end those breaks as President and I will give American businesses a $3,000 tax credit for every job they create right here in the United States of America.

I’ll eliminate capital gains taxes for small businesses and start-up companies that are the engine of job creation in this country. We’ll create two million new jobs by rebuilding our crumbling roads, and bridges, and schools, and by laying broadband lines to reach every corner of the country. And I will invest $15 billion a year in renewable sources of energy to create five million new energy jobs over the next decade – jobs that pay well and can’t be outsourced; jobs building solar panels and wind turbines and a new electricity grid; jobs building the fuel-efficient cars of tomorrow, not in Japan or South Korea but here in the United States of America; jobs that will help us eliminate the oil we import from the Middle East in ten years and help save the planet in the bargain. That’s how America can lead again.

When it comes to health care, we don’t have to choose between a government-run health care system and the unaffordable one we have now. If you already have health insurance, the only thing that will change under my plan is that we will lower premiums. If you don’t have health insurance, you’ll be able to get the same kind of health insurance that Members of Congress get for themselves. We’ll invest in preventative care and new technology to finally lower the cost of health care for families, businesses, and the entire economy. And as someone who watched his own mother spend the final months of her life arguing with insurance companies because they claimed her cancer was a pre-existing condition and didn’t want to pay for treatment, I will stop insurance companies from discriminating against those who are sick and need care most.
When it comes to giving every child a world-class education so they can compete in this global economy for the jobs of the 21st century, the choice is not between more money and more reform – because our schools need both.

As President, I will invest in early childhood education, recruit an army of new teachers, pay them more, and give them more support. But I will also demand higher standards and more accountability from our teachers and our schools. And I will make a deal with every American who has the drive and the will but not the money to go to college: if you commit to serving your community or your country, we will make sure you can afford your tuition. You invest in America, America will invest in you, and together, we will move this country forward.
And when it comes to keeping this country safe, we don’t have to choose between retreating from the world and fighting a war without end in Iraq. It’s time to stop spending $10 billion a month in Iraq while the Iraqi government sits on a huge surplus.

As President, I will end this war by asking the Iraqi government to step up and finally finish the fight against bin Laden and the al Qaeda terrorists who attacked us on 9/11.

I will never hesitate to defend this nation, but I will only send our troops into harm's way with a clear mission and a sacred commitment to give them the equipment they need in battle and the care and benefits they deserve when they come home. I will build new partnerships to defeat the threats of the 21st century, and I will restore our moral standing, so that America is once again that last, best hope for all who are called to the cause of freedom, who long for lives of peace, and who yearn for a better future.

I won’t stand here and pretend that any of this will be easy – especially now. The cost of this economic crisis, and the cost of the war in Iraq, means that Washington will have to tighten its belt and put off spending on things we can afford to do without. On this, there is no other choice. As President, I will go through the federal budget, line-by-line, ending programs that we don’t need and making the ones we do need work better and cost less.

But as I’ve said from the day we began this journey all those months ago, the change we need isn’t just about new programs and policies. It’s about a new politics – a politics that calls on our better angels instead of encouraging our worst instincts; one that reminds us of the obligations we have to ourselves and one another.

Part of the reason this economic crisis occurred is because we have been living through an era of profound irresponsibility. On Wall Street, easy money and an ethic of “what’s good for me is good enough” blinded greedy executives to the danger in the decisions they were making. On Main Street, lenders tricked people into buying homes they couldn’t afford. Some folks knew they couldn’t afford those houses and bought them anyway. In Washington, politicians spent money they didn’t have and allowed lobbyists to set the agenda. They scored political points instead of solving our problems, and even after the greatest attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor, all we were asked to do by our President was to go out and shop.

That is why what we have lost in these last eight years cannot be measured by lost wages or bigger trade deficits alone. What has also been lost is the idea that in this American story, each of us has a role to play. Each of us has a responsibility to work hard and look after ourselves and our families, and each of us has a responsibility to our fellow citizens. That’s what’s been lost these last eight years – our sense of common purpose; of higher purpose. And that’s what we need to restore right now.

Yes, government must lead the way on energy independence, but each of us must do our part to make our homes and our businesses more efficient. Yes, we must provide more ladders to success for young men who fall into lives of crime and despair. But all of us must do our part as parents to turn off the television and read to our children and take responsibility for providing the love and guidance they need. Yes, we can argue and debate our positions passionately, but at this defining moment, all of us must summon the strength and grace to bridge our differences and unite in common effort – black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American; Democrat and Republican, young and old, rich and poor, gay and straight, disabled or not.

In this election, we cannot afford the same political games and tactics that are being used to pit us against one another and make us afraid of one another. The stakes are too high to divide us by class and region and background; by who we are or what we believe.
Because despite what our opponents may claim, there are no real or fake parts of this country. There is no city or town that is more pro-America than anywhere else – we are one nation, all of us proud, all of us patriots. There are patriots who supported this war in Iraq and patriots who opposed it; patriots who believe in Democratic policies and those who believe in Republican policies. The men and women who serve in our battlefields may be Democrats and Republicans and Independents, but they have fought together and bled together and some died together under the same proud flag. They have not served a Red America or a Blue America – they have served the United States of America.

It won’t be easy, Ohio. It won’t be quick. But you and I know that it is time to come together and change this country. Some of you may be cynical and fed up with politics. A lot of you may be disappointed and even angry with your leaders. You have every right to be. But despite all of this, I ask of you what has been asked of Americans throughout our history.

I ask you to believe – not just in my ability to bring about change, but in yours.
I know this change is possible. Because I have seen it over the last twenty-one months. Because in this campaign, I have had the privilege to witness what is best in America.
I’ve seen it in lines of voters that stretched around schools and churches; in the young people who cast their ballot for the first time, and those not so young folks who got involved again after a very long time. I’ve seen it in the workers who would rather cut back their hours than see their friends lose their jobs; in the neighbors who take a stranger in when the floodwaters rise; in the soldiers who re-enlist after losing a limb. I’ve seen it in the faces of the men and women I’ve met at countless rallies and town halls across the country, men and women who speak of their struggles but also of their hopes and dreams.

I still remember the email that a woman named Robyn sent me after I met her in Ft. Lauderdale. Sometime after our event, her son nearly went into cardiac arrest, and was diagnosed with a heart condition that could only be treated with a procedure that cost tens of thousands of dollars. Her insurance company refused to pay, and their family just didn’t have that kind of money.

In her email, Robyn wrote, “I ask only this of you – on the days where you feel so tired you can’t think of uttering another word to the people, think of us. When those who oppose you have you down, reach deep and fight back harder.”

Ohio, that’s what hope is – that thing inside us that insists, despite all evidence to the contrary, that something better is waiting around the bend; that insists there are better days ahead. If we’re willing to work for it. If we’re willing to shed our fears and our doubts. If we’re willing to reach deep down inside ourselves when we’re tired and come back fighting harder.

Hope! That’s what kept some of our parents and grandparents going when times were tough. What led them to say, “Maybe I can’t go to college, but if I save a little bit each week my child can; maybe I can’t have my own business but if I work really hard my child can open one of her own.” It’s what led immigrants from distant lands to come to these shores against great odds and carve a new life for their families in America; what led those who couldn’t vote to march and organize and stand for freedom; that led them to cry out, “It may look dark tonight, but if I hold on to hope, tomorrow will be brighter.”

That’s what this election is about. That is the choice we face right now.

Don’t believe for a second this election is over. Don’t think for a minute that power concedes. We have to work like our future depends on it in this last week, because it does.
In one week, we can choose an economy that rewards work and creates new jobs and fuels prosperity from the bottom-up.

In one week, we can choose to invest in health care for our families, and education for our kids, and renewable energy for our future.
In one week, we can choose hope over fear, unity over division, the promise of change over the power of the status quo.
In one week, we can come together as one nation, and one people, and once more choose our better history.

That’s what’s at stake. That’s what we’re fighting for. And if in this last week, you will knock on some doors for me, and make some calls for me, and talk to your neighbors, and convince your friends; if you will stand with me, and fight with me, and give me your vote, then I promise you this – we will not just win Ohio, we will not just win this election, but together, we will change this country and we will change the world.

Thank you, God bless you, and may God bless America.


You are an IDIOT--gold edition

From the AP:

"An 8-year-old boy died after accidentally shooting himself in the head while firing an Uzi submachine gun under adult supervision at a gun fair."

Hey, boy, you're not old enough to even drive but how about we go down to the old gun show and shoot off some military grade ordinance.

According to the Boston Globe, the father of the boy was standing approximately 10 feet behind him when it happened, so perhaps that's punishment enough. But, the kicker, the guy is a Doctor. "Medical director of the emergency department at Johnson Memorial Hospital in Stafford Springs, Conn." This is a highly educated man--who appears, frankly, to be a complete moron. His excuse, he watched "several other children doing it." Um.....the old would you jump off a bridge gambit would seem to be the obvious retort here.

Rockin It In The Red States....

Maybe those "real american" folks are on to something after all... Great Article by Margaret Talbot called Red Sex/Blue Sex from the New Yorker...

"The vast majority of white evangelical adolescents—seventy-four per cent—say that they believe in abstaining from sex before marriage. (Only half of mainline Protestants, and a quarter of Jews, say that they believe in abstinence.) Moreover, among the major religious groups, evangelical virgins are the least likely to anticipate that sex will be pleasurable, and the most likely to believe that having sex will cause their partners to lose respect for them. (Jews most often cite pleasure as a reason to have sex, and say that an unplanned pregnancy would be an embarrassment.) But, according to Add Health data, evangelical teen-agers are more sexually active than Mormons, mainline Protestants, and Jews. On average, white evangelical Protestants make their “sexual début”—to use the festive term of social-science researchers—shortly after turning sixteen. Among major religious groups, only black Protestants begin having sex earlier."

Read the rest, here.

Um guys, I'm happy about the lead too, but...

The Twice-Monthly New Mexico Sun News has called the election a week early because the paper will not be published again until after the election.

According to various internet stories, the publication printed about 15,000 of these that are being snapped up. Hopefully, it won't turn into an ironic collectors item. I mean, there's confidence, and there's confidence....

Thursday, October 23, 2008

To My Five Faithful Readers...

I'm off to here...

and then here...

Be back Monday. Thanks for Readin'.

Peace. just posted a new article on Why Obama is Winning:

"Obama has made race — that perennial, gaping American wound — an afterthought. He has done this by introducing a quality to American politics that we haven't seen in quite some time: maturity. He is undoubtedly as ego-driven as everyone else seeking the highest office — perhaps more so, given his race, his name and his lack of experience. But he has not been childishly egomaniacal, in contrast to our recent baby-boomer Presidents — or petulant, in contrast to his opponent. He does not seem needy. He seems a grown-up, in a nation that badly needs some adult supervision. "

Read the full article, here.

Misplaced Priorities

In September, another 81,312 homes were lost to foreclosure.

In Illinois, according to the Department of Employment security, the three-month moving average, which more clearly depicts overall trends, remained at 7.1 percent, "the highest level reported since November 1993."

CNN Money reports:

"The Labor Department's weekly report on jobless claims gave investors another reason to be nervous. Claims rose 15,000, to 478,000, for the week ended Oct. 18, which was worse than expected. A consensus of economists surveyed by had expected claims to rise to 465,000.
Fears of a global recession slammed Wall Street on Wednesday. The Dow finished the session down 514 points - its seventh-worst point loss ever."

So what do McShame/Pander continue to talk about....the immense threat to our nation posed by... this guy---



John McCain now insists that America's "enemies" (a list that has grown immensely under the current administration, by the way)wouldn't dare "test" him. Perhaps because he's got such an itchy trigger finger we may be at war with Canada by the time he's through.

Nevertheless, I can't see any examples of anyone "testing" a "tough talking" Republican during his first months in the White House recently, can you....

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Math Capital of Alaska....

"The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided."

If that seems familiar at all to you, it's likely because you've read the Consitution of the United States of America--specifically Article 1, Section 3.

If that seems unfamilar to you, you may well be the Governor of Alaska.

The Vice President is in no way, shape, or form in charge of the United States Senate.

From Wikipedia: "The Vice President holds a tie breaking vote in the Senate and does not usually preside over the Senate...In practice, freshman senators are traditionally assigned the role of presiding over the Senate in order to learn Senate procedure."

It's two weeks before the election, and the Republican Vice Presidental Candidate still doesn't even know what the job entails. At this point, there is no use trying to convince me Sarah Palin is qualified to be Vice President--it appears she's not qualified for the job she currently holds.


And for more on what qualifies the Gov to be Vice President, here's a look at the duties of the Mayor of Wasilla....thanks again, Daily Show, for keeping me sane.

Another one banned from the plane..the plane...

Why was Joe Klein, he of Time and Primary Colors fame, allegedly banned from the McCain Press Plane...well cuz he had the nerve, I guess, to point out this...

"John McCain had a fabulously loony weekend, flipping out charges and attacks like a mud tornado. The truly remarkable thing about McCain's attacks, especially on Obama's economic policies, is that McCain, in each case, is "guilty" of supporting some version of the policies he's attacking:

1. He attacks Obama for increasing "welfare" by providing refundable tax credits--that is giving people the cash equivalent if they don't pay enough in income taxes to reap the full benefit of the credit--but McCain's own $5000 health insurance credit is also refundable.

2. He attacks Obama for spreading "socialism," but McCain supported the bailout that enabled the Bush Administration to partially nationalize the banking system last week. If that ain't a (very mild) form of socialism, I don't know what is.

3. He attacks Obama's tax plan as a form of "spreading the wealth"--the words Obama used when talking to Joe the Unlicensed Tax Dodger in Ohio--because Obama would reduce taxes on the middle class and pay for it by restoring Clinton-era marginal tax rates on the wealthy. And yet, McCain proudly voted for a major tax hike and wealth redistribution scheme in his early days in his early days in Congress. In fact he touts it regularly, including on Fox News Sunday, as bipartisan cooperation at its finest:

Read the rest.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Race Baiting in the "Real America..."

He's a Muslim.
He's an "Arab"
He "pals around" with "terrorists"
He's a "socialist"
His tax plan is "welfare"
The "real America" ...the "pro America" parts...that's where we want to be....

Sen. McCain, I previously wrote that I was disappointed in you. Today, I am disgusted. This last ditch effort to lay claim to the baser instincts of human nature to become the "most powerful" person in the free world shows, as was said once, more about your character than that of the man you run against.

We can all see what's happening here. You have claimed to be "the one" who can reach across the aisle to "deliver results." Inclusiveness, however, isn't much of a campaign strategy. Divisiveness apparently, is your choice of beverage. In your Quixotic quest to win at all costs you choose allow your surrogates to attempt to burn down that which has taken so many years to build up.

When Rush Limbaugh emerges from his percocet haze to essentially call Colin Powell a racist...well...surely you can see what you've wrought. I could go on...but someone else said it much better tonight...


One last thought....We've had a "progressive income tax system" in place since, well, since we've had income taxes. That's a system in which higher incomes are taxed at a higher rate than those who make less. It's not socialism--if it was, it's the socialism of F.D.R., Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II. Stop treating people like they are stupid, and maybe they won't be.

I might have to invest...

Get yours, here.

Forward Central

I've been so busy with "award winning"* election coverage that we haven't had forward central in's one I got today. Some of these I've seen before, but, you can never go wrong with funny headlines (ask Leno).

* No awards actually received

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na...Obama!

When Commissioner Gordon Can't get ahold of Batman....

W. Maybe Should Have Listened To THis Dude More...


What this

Way to Change it up....

Friday, October 17, 2008

I'm tempted to resubscribe..

The Chicago Tribune, in the first time in the HISTORY of the newspaper, has endorsed a Democratic Candidate for President of the United States.

I mean, this paper endorsed George W. Bush, twice....

A sample:

"We have known Obama since he entered politics a dozen years ago. We have watched him, worked with him, argued with him as he rose from an effective state senator to an inspiring U.S. senator to the Democratic Party's nominee for president.We have tremendous confidence in his intellectual rigor, his moral compass and his ability to make sound, thoughtful, careful decisions. He is ready...

"McCain failed in his most important executive decision. Give him credit for choosing a female running mate--but he passed up any number of supremely qualified Republican women who could have served. Having called Obama not ready to lead, McCain chose Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. His campaign has tried to stage-manage Palin's exposure to the public. But it's clear she is not prepared to step in at a moment's notice and serve as president. McCain put his campaign before his country."
Read it, here.

And the jokes just write themselves...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Cup O' Joe...and another...and another...

Um, guys, one time is a decent example of a small business man with legitimate questions about how tax plans will impact him, his family and his business. Double Digit shout outs turns you into a caricature with nothing else to talk about.

See, for example, Audiences Laughing at, Not With, John McCain

From TIME's Amy Sullivan:

In politics it is generally not considered a good sign when voters are laughing at you, not with you. And by the end of the third and last presidential debate, the undecided voters who had gathered in Denver for Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg’s focus group were “audibly snickering” at John McCain’s grimaces, eye-bulging, and repeated references to “Joe the Plumber.”

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Love him or, you know, strongly dislike, him, you can't dispute that Rev. Jesse Jackson has spent his whole life working for the betterment of African Americans. Maybe sometimes his methods are a bit off....but his run for the Presidency can be said to have set the stage, in some way, for Sen. Obama's run now. Even though the Rev. was caught making some off color remarks about the Senator earlier this year, I really would be surprised that Rev. Jackson would want to sabotage in any way the opportunity for the United States to take this historic step in race relations and elect a Black President....


Jackson is now being quoted speaking in France last week that "decades of putting Israel's interests first" would end and "zionists" would suffer from an Obama election. (He's denying the quotes).

Although Sen. O is ahead in all forms of polling and the Electoral College predictions are leaning toward a wipe out--this thing ain't over yet. He certainly doesn't need swing voters in the suburbs to think Rev. Jackson is going to be a defacto Secretary of State in an Obama Administration. Look, Rev., take a break for three've had your share of the spotlight. Don't give my fellow honkies any reason to go into that booth and pull a last minute lever for a Repub. If the quote is correct, you are doing a disservice to the Country by shooting off your yap. Remember how that whole "hymietown" thing worked out for you? Do you think that's going to help Nov. 4??? Shhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Arguably the most conservative newspaper in the country...

Tells McCain to give it a rest...The Wall Street Journal Opinion section today published the following:

"The culture wars are the familiar demagogic tactic of our own time, building monstrous offenses out of the tiniest slights. The fading rancor that each grievance is meant to revive, of course, dates to the 1960s and the antiwar protests, urban riots and annoying youth culture that originally triggered our great turn to the right.

This year the Democrats chose Barack Obama as their leader, a man who was born in 1961 and who largely missed our cultural civil war. In response, Republican campaign masterminds have sought to plunge him back into it in the most desperate and grotesque manner yet...

"Mr. Ayers is a professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), where his work is esteemed by colleagues of different political viewpoints. Herbert Walberg, an advocate of school vouchers who is a visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution, told me he remembers Mr. Ayers as "a responsible colleague, in the professional sense of the word." Bill Schubert, who served as the chairman of UIC's Department of Curriculum and Instruction for many years, thinks so highly of Mr. Ayers that, in response to the current allegations, he compiled a lengthy résumé of the man's books, journal articles, guest lectures and keynote speeches.

Mr. Ayers has been involved with countless foundation efforts and has received various awards. He volunteers for everything. He may once have been wanted by the FBI, but in the intervening years the man has become such a good citizen he ought to be an honorary Eagle Scout...."

Full Opinion piece by Thomas Frank here.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ain't nobody driving the bus...

Roger Simon, at Politico:

"John McCain’s campaign is pretty much a shambles right now.

If you don’t believe me, just listen to John McCain. His chief goal these days is calming down his crowds, not firing them up.

And that is an honorable thing to do. It may not be a winning thing to do. But it is honorable.

Sarah Palin, once seen as a huge plus to the ticket, is now increasingly emerging as a liability.

Forget that an independent legislative panel found Friday that she had abused her power and violated ethics laws as governor of Alaska. Forget that with the possibility of Palin being a heartbeat away from the presidency, McCain gives up the argument that his ticket represents experience and a steady hand on the tiller.

The real problem for McCain is that Palin is running a separate — and scary — campaign that does not seem to be under anybody’s control."

Keep going, here.
Meanwhile... Columnist and Iraq War Hawk Christopher Hitchens blasts Palin on October 13...

"The most insulting thing that a politician can do is to compel you to ask yourself: "What does he take me for?" Precisely this question is provoked by the selection of Gov. Sarah Palin. I wrote not long ago that it was not right to condescend to her just because of her provincial roots or her piety, let alone her slight flirtatiousness, but really her conduct since then has been a national disgrace. It turns out that none of her early claims to political courage was founded in fact, and it further turns out that some of the untested rumors about her -- her vindictiveness in local quarrels, her bizarre religious and political affiliations -- were very well-founded, indeed..."

And well known conservative Bill Kristol, is apparently "in the tank" for Obama according to Fox "News". Why?

For writing this:

"[McCain's] campaign is totally overmatched by Obama’s. The Obama team is well organized, flush with resources, and the candidate and the campaign are in sync. The McCain campaign, once merely problematic, is now close to being out-and-out dysfunctional. Its combination of strategic incoherence and operational incompetence has become toxic. If the race continues over the next three weeks to be a conventional one, McCain is doomed."

And more like it, in the NYT.

And another rat jumping ship--Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, passed over to be McCain's running mate in favor of Gov. YouBetcha, decided to skip a McCain Rally over the weekend to go to...Disney World. It was reported: ''When I have time to help, I'll try to do that,'' Crist said. Think Crist would have made time if he were the running mate? Check out the Miami Herald.

Why am I posting all this...mostly because it amuses me to no end. I know three weeks is a long time in an election...but things look pretty good from where we lefties sit right now. Still, we can't coast. The state by state polls are still close in some areas, and voter turnout (and eliminating as much voter suppression as possible) will still be a key. Keep up the good work, Team O, but keep the pressure on.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Way to Support the Troops, Sen. POW

Sen. POW received a "D" for his efforts in support of veterans on a report card issued by a prominent Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Group. Again, an Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Group. This is not some "liberal" group of "tree hugging surrender monkeys." These are people trained to kill with their bare hands. They have shown McCain for the hypocrite he's become. He wasn't even a sponsor of a GI Bill for Iraq veterans--but he's watching out for them....Please. Check out the rankings here.

Sens. Obama and Biden received "Bs" by the way.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Okay so it's 13 minutes long...Watch Anyway


I've seen a lot of ridiculous things in sports lately (See: Cubs, Chicago). However, watching the Bears blow a game with 11 seconds left by a) short kicking the kickoff and b) leaving a Falcon receiver so open in field goal range he could have stopped to reline the field for next week before catching the ball and c) knocking him out of bounds with 1 second left on the clock allowing for a game winning field goal....I just don't know what to say.

Can anyone teach me the rules of hockey. I need something else to watch. Thanks

You just haven't lived until...

You've heard KISS played Polka-style.

I've experienced it. In fact, I've done so within the last 24 hours.

I'm not sure I've digested it properly yet. I'm not sure I ever can.

The memory is still seared into my cerebral cortex.

If you wish to have this experience yourself sometime, start with the Polkaholics website.

Then...well...decide for yourself if you can live that close to the edge...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Hate Mongering

One of the best pieces I've read on the subject of McCain/Palin's new campaign strategy is by Frank Schaeffer, son of a famous evangelist.

"John McCain, you're walking a perilous line. If you do not stand up for all that is good in America and declare that Senator Obama is a patriot, fit for office, and denounce your hate-filled supporters when they scream out "Terrorist" or "Kill him," history will hold you responsible for all that follows.

John McCain and Sarah Palin, you are playing with fire, and you know it. You are unleashing the monster of American hatred and prejudice, to the peril of all of us. You are doing this in wartime. You are doing this as our economy collapses. You are doing this in a country with a history of assassinations.

Change the atmosphere of your campaign. Talk about the issues at hand. Make your case. But stop stirring up the lunatic fringe of haters, or risk suffering the judgment of history and the loathing of the American people - forever.

We will hold you responsible."

Read the whole column, here.

Prosecutor to McCain/Palin: You're Full of Crap

Bill Ayers, Bill Ayers, Bill Ayers. The economy continues to tumble into oblivion despite the bailout, and McCain and Palin want to focus instead on a man who, rightfully prosecuted in the 70s, redeemed himself to the point that he won Chicago's Citizen of the Year award in 1997 for his work on education.

The lead prosecutor on the Ayers case, William Ibershof, doesn't buy it, he said in a statement.

"I am amazed and outraged that Senator Barack Obama is being linked to William Ayers’s terrorist activities 40 years ago when Mr. Obama was, as he has noted, just a child.

Although I dearly wanted to obtain convictions against all the Weathermen, including Bill Ayers, I am very pleased to learn that he has become a responsible citizen.

Because Senator Obama recently served on a board of a charitable organization with Mr. Ayers cannot possibly link the senator to acts perpetrated by Mr. Ayers so many years ago....

I do take issue with [reports] that the Weathermen indictment was dismissed because of “prosecutorial misconduct.” It was dismissed because of illegal activities, including wiretaps, break-ins and mail interceptions, initiated by John N. Mitchell, attorney general at that time, and W. Mark Felt, an F.B.I. assistant director."

Sigh...the hits keep coming...

If you would have got a some freakin' hits in the playoffs...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I have been remiss...

There was a lot of news last weekend....the Presidental Race....economic whatsits...the Cubs breaking my heart (yet again). So I forgot to make the following public statement:


Karma may have been hanging around watching while you played golf you ingnorant, murdering *$#*$)(#*$)(#*$)(#$#....but it's nice to know it was still paying attention.

It's worth the money

Hey you know that "overhead projector" Sen. Grumpy kept bitching about at the last Debate. Turns out, kinda as expected, that the request was for the Adler Planetarium in Chicago--and it was a project that was not funded. The Planetarium issued a statement:

"To clarify, the Adler Planetarium requested federal support -- which was not funded -- to replace the projector in its historic Sky Theater, the first planetarium theater in the Western Hemisphere.... To remain competitive and ensure national security, it is vital that we educate and inspire the next generation of explorers to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math."

1) The Sky Theater, if you haven't been, is just cool. So screw off, Grumpy.

2) The attempted appropriation, which didn't even pass, is about several hundred million dollars less than what Gov. Palin took for her famous bridge that she supposedly passed on, but, as it turns out, still took the money for and spread it around her State. A State which has a population, I would gather, less than the number of people who visit the Adler Planetarium in an average year.

Yahoo has a fun story about how scientists, like many others, think Sen. Grumpy has gone over the edge. Don't Mess With Scientists.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

If you can't say something to someone's face...

Part of me wants to feel sorry for Sen. Grumpy. But I get over it fast.

Sen. McCain (you know, "that one" the white guy) is clearly uncomfortable with the negative route his campaign has taken as recently as this last weekend. Why else would he completely avoid making any comments to Sen. Obama's face about William Ayers or Rev. Wright in front of a huge TV audience.

Try as he might to cover, McCain is stuck with Gov. "I can see Russia from my House" Palin as his running mate when he really wanted Joe Lieberman. He's saddled with running after eight years of disastrous policies that he originally voted against but then was forced to move to adopt to win the Repub. nomination. The economy takes a dive and everyone, including Gov. YouBetcha, calls for massive government regulation of the financial sector--something you've campaigned and voted against for many years. Everyone is thinking about Alternative Energy, and you've got a record of voting against every possible form of alternative fuels for your entire Senate career.

If your opponent wasn't a black man, and half the country really stupid, you'd be 30 points behind instead of 8.

Nevertheless, a few more points from last night's debate....

If you can't say something to someone to their face, as my momma says, you shouldn't say it. How dare you send your running mate out to blast smear tactics and then simply act like that isn't happening during the debate.

If you, a Republican, are going to announce a plan for a second massive bailout of failed mortgages on national television, you might want to 1) remember your record on deregulation; 2) actually have some specifics of the plan to talk about.

How, in the name of Michael Moore, could you to through nearly 3 hours of debates without even using the phrase "middle class." Can you pretend to care, at least? Are you that out of touch with what is happening in this country?

Stop spouting the lies. (This goes for both candidates, actually.) Isn't there enough to talk about without misstating each other's record. There's a lot of bad juju going on out there, boys and girls, and we want real answers, not fabrications and empty promises.

I'm tired of hearing McCain talk about 800 billion in "new" Obama spending without talking about the planned budgetary offsets that generally make it a wash. Stop saying you are for "alternative energy" when every single vote you have cast says otherwise. There are reasons a person could vote for you, your energy record is not it.

If you proclaim yourself a master of the "town hall" format, it helps to remember the name of the voter asking you a question. Also, going after Tom Brokaw for asking you a question wasn't funny, it made you look petulant.

Also, MSNBC and CSPAN showed Sen. Obama after the debate, staying and talking to the crowd, signing autographs, and generally making those in the room feel like he gave a damn. You were out of there when the last question ended. What does that say to the folks who came to see you? You know, the ones from the...what is it again...that group of people above the poverty line but not in the higher tax brackets...I can't remember what they are called.... can you?

Read the NYT tear McCain a new one today.

More Stuff I Stole....

Over at there lies a Q & A I thought I'd fill out cuz I don't spend enough time not accomplishing anything of note. Go ahead and link over to see my boyz answers, and here's a little insight into the mind of the Dr.

"Anyway, this meme features "the last three" of lots of things from the last three songs you downloaded to celebrities you'd have sex with to things you are coveting.

Go ahead and snag it for your site. Just give me a link back."

So here are some answers from me, with the caveat that they are really ever changing in my mind.

What are the last three songs you downloaded?

1. "The Most Beautiful Girl in the Room." Flight of the Conchords.
2. "You Can't Always Get What You Want." Band From TV.
3. "Go all the way" Eddie Vedder. (Don't even freakin' say it).

What are the last three places you visited?

1. The Route 30 Pancake House
2. A University Classroom
3. Work

What are your three favourite movies?

(This list is ever changing, but today:)

1. The Godfather I and II (I insist this is one long ass movie)
2. Almost Famous
3. The Empire Strikes Back

What are your three favourite possessions?

1. My house. I enjoy shelter.
2. Red Ryder carbine-action, two hundred shot Range Model air rifle BB gun with a compass in the stock and a thing which tells time.
3. Collection of autographed books, including The Audacity of Hope, autographed for me by Sen. Obama.

What would be your three wishes?

The following answers are SPM's:

1. Perfect health for myself and my family for today and generations to come.
2. Total Well-Being (Financially, Spiritually, Relationship-wise, etc).
3. Unlimited wishes. Duh.

(To this, I can only say, Ditto.)

What three things haven’t you done yet?

1. Propagate the species.
2. Receive total consciousness, which I hear is nice.
3. Obtain financial freedom....i.e. freedom.

What are your three favourite dishes?

1. Deep Dish Chicago Style Pizza...keep that elitist flat stuff on the east coast.
2. Medium Porterhouse Steak, St. Elmo Steak House, Indianapolis, IN (yes there is something good in IN) with a shrimp cocktail to start.
3. Lasagna. Me and that darn cat.

Which three celebrities would you most like to have sex with?

1. Laura Bush
2. Ann Coulter
3. Tiny Fey

(The first two are jokes, I swear).

Name three things that freak you out.

1. Gators
2. Foreign Policy Experience based on airline flyovers.
3. When people pull down their cheeks to show their eyeballs. Gross.

Which three things are you coveting?

1. Thy neighbors wife. Wait, no, thou shalt not do that...
how about a trip around the world.
2. A writing gig with Joss Whedon.
3. Deep dish pizza (see above).

Name three bloggers you are tagging.

1. SPM
2. Tyler Durden
3. That guy who does "Stuff White People Like." Funny.

The Stupid Vote

Oh, about half way through there's a section I would normally find personally offensive. However, it's hard to argue at this point...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Perfect, as Usual

Swing Baby Swing...but....

According to, every single potential "swing state" with the exception of Indiana (damn Hoosiers) is now polling for Obama, giving him 364 electoral votes if the election were held today. Take a look.

On the other hand, I have a friend who swears that pollsters are being misled because they don't want to tell a caller they won't vote for a "brother." This actually has been studied extensively, it's called the Bradley effect. I have a hard time believing this problem is implicating every single major national poll, but the fact that it had to be studied is a problem in and of itself. Maybe we haven't come all that far...but if the polls are off by one or two percent, it may mean Obama will only get 273 electoral votes. Oh, right, you need 270 to win.

Monday, October 6, 2008

What did you expect....

At the left is good ole Sen. John McCain at a Senate Ethics Committee hearing on the Keating 5 scandal. Remember that...cost the nation billions...lots of folks their pensions (sound familiar at all)...Johnny hanging out with Charles Keating on his boat, taking to regulators to see if they would "hurry up" their investigation...

McCain sent Palin out over the weekend to bash Obama on some not very wise associations with 70s era radical William Ayers. Now, the Obama crew is spending the day spotlighting the Keating 5. What did you think was going to happen, Sen., when you went negative? What do you think resonates more with the public in the middle of a 700 billion dollar financial sector bailout--some weak ties to a guy who committed crimes when Obama was eight, or your direct involvement with a felon who helped cost this country billions.

I remember thinking that at least this campaign, between two people of respect, would be about the issues. Both sides are guilty of moving this into the gutter, but McCain, you've been universally derided for running a dishonorable campaign, and it looks like, for now, you are paying the price in the polls.

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