What did you expect....
At the left is good ole Sen. John McCain at a Senate Ethics Committee hearing on the Keating 5 scandal. Remember that...cost the nation billions...lots of folks their pensions (sound familiar at all)...Johnny hanging out with Charles Keating on his boat, taking to regulators to see if they would "hurry up" their investigation...
McCain sent Palin out over the weekend to bash Obama on some not very wise associations with 70s era radical William Ayers. Now, the Obama crew is spending the day spotlighting the Keating 5. What did you think was going to happen, Sen., when you went negative? What do you think resonates more with the public in the middle of a 700 billion dollar financial sector bailout--some weak ties to a guy who committed crimes when Obama was eight, or your direct involvement with a felon who helped cost this country billions.
I remember thinking that at least this campaign, between two people of respect, would be about the issues. Both sides are guilty of moving this into the gutter, but McCain, you've been universally derided for running a dishonorable campaign, and it looks like, for now, you are paying the price in the polls.
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