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Thursday, January 7, 2010

10 Years: 10 Episodes The West Wing: May 16, 2001

Replacing Aaron Sorkin with John Wells for Season Four of the West Wing equates hypothetically to replacing Roger Ebert with, well, me (not a good idea, if you were wondering). The first three seasons of The West Wing I submit to you are as strong a body of work ever put on the home screen. That work arguably hit its zenith with the finale of Season Two. President Bartlet and God have a good old fashion mano-a mano showdown in the National Cathedral regarding the loss of treasured friend and presidental secretary Dolores Landingham in a meaningless car accident. Put your politics at the door and just enjoy the performance of the elder Sheen (who didn't get an Emmy for this merely because of the existance of someone named Tony Soprano).


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