10 Years: 10 Episodes: Battlestar Galactica: January 14, 2005
So it's taken me most of January to just get up to 2005 on my 10 episodes list--cut me some slack, I'm going through a whole decade here, 'natch
So here's one that may be in the running for fav. of the dec, not just this particular year. The reboot of BSG ended in 2009, but this episode, the very first one after the opening mini-series, still stands as one of the most entertaining hour this fantastic series offered during its run. The plot: nearly all of the human race having been wiped out just a short time past, the human survivors ("in a ragtag fugitive fleet," of course) are followed by their attackers and for some damn reason the bastard Cylon "toasters" show up every 33 minutes on the dot to do some mo' killing. The mounting tension as an exhausted group of pilots attempt to continually defend a fleet on the verge of collapse before it can even get started on its journey is combined with a ballsy ending makes for a hell of a start to the series and puts the fearless viewer on notice that a hell of a ride is underway.
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