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Monday, January 4, 2010

Here we go again! Don't call it a comeback!!!

Morning Dear Reader,*

I am sure you spent many a day wondering where the Dr. had gone off too the later half of 2009. Well, of course, I had my missionary work in Africa to tend to, my detailed medical research into a cure for Grossmancutlershousen syndrome**, and my daily three p.m. snack to arrange.

Still, one might say the Dr. had grown complacent at the beginning of 2009. The Evil Lord Doofus and his Bald, heart-addled minions had finally left the House of White ... The Wicked Witch of Alaska had been soundly sent back to her frosty lair (I had hoped not to be seen again, sigh) ... and the Senate Version of the Health Care Bill was 11 months away...those were good times. I just didn't feel like ranting all that much.

Ahhhh, but the more things change the more they stay the same. As we enter into 2010 I have come to realize that I NEED TO RANT!!! Oh, do I ever need to rant!!! So as one of those resolutiony thingys people talk about this time of year I have returned to the site of the great rants of Fall 2008. My goal is to be on here at least once a week (if not more) and If I haven't posted then--please, dear reader, call me out!! To relieve my own pent up agression*** and for the safety of all others on this rock we call Earth--the Emporium of Rants and Ravings is starting over. Tell your friends (and feel free to contribute Guest Rants of your own).

New Year, New Rants.


*As always, the singular is intended based upon anticipated readership.
**The horrible disease that causes people with normal eyesight to fail to see obvious safeties and cornerbacks.
***Also to talk about movies, books, TV and all that other non ranty stuff we like to address here on the Emporium.


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