Ask yourself this, classy Cardinals fans...
While booing Jack Clark yesterday, he of the 350 some honest home runs and honest opinions about the game of baseball and the use of performance enhancers, and cheering your chemically induced overgrown self deluded cheater* (look, the guy even lied in a milk ad, I mean come on) did you ever stop to think whether this is the best guy for YOUR team? That is what it is supposed to be about, right? Winning? That's what I hear from Cards fans, we love winning. So, you hire a guy with a lifetime .263 batting average, who has admitted that his best years involved 10 years of product use, who has never been a hitting coach before to take care of the batters on a team that by all rights should be in competition again this year for the playoffs if not the World Series. Is this the best hitting coach available for your team out of everyone out there who has been a hitting coach? Or is this Tony LaRussa's personal Big Mac redemption plan at the expense of the best interests of the team? Certainly, the presence of this man isn't going to be a year long distraction--the media will no doubt honor his desire to make one half assed apology and let it go, right? This won't come up in every city around the league over and over again all year long, it just can't...right? Idiots.
*as a Cub fan, I fully admit to having and having cheered in the past for one of these, too.
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