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Monday, September 1, 2008

I am not sexist. (Well, maybe a little, but not about this)

Already, there have been articles suggesting that criticism of Sen. Experience's pick of Gov. Unprepared as vice president are sexist. It was even suggested to me, the good doctor, that my criticism is based on the fact that Gov. Unprepared is a woman. (And, yes, I know that's Michael Palin, which is probably not helping.) Still, nothing could be further from the truth. It's not racist to say that President Elect Obama has only had a partial term in the U.S. Senate. That's a fact. It's a fact that Gov. Unprepared has been in her office for a short period, that prior to this she was mayor of a relatively small town, and that there are more people in my living room as I type this than she governs in the State of Alaska. (Okay, that last one may not be a fact, but it does seem crowded in there.)
There are numerous Republican women far more prepared to be a 72 year old heartbeat away from the Presidency. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson of Texas immediately pops to mind. Elizabeth Dole. Sen. Olympia Snow. Secretary of State Condi Rice (God Help Me, but it's true), hell why not Sandra Day O'Conner....the list goes on.
It does not burn me that Sen. Experience picked a female running mate. I just think it would have been nice if he picked one that was ready for the gig in the event he had a grabber. It burns me that a man who campaigns in front of a sign that says "Country First" made such a blatantly political pick. Is this the person in all of the Republican Party most qualified to step in if Sen. Experience goes down? Let's see, in addition to the qualified women mentioned above, he also passed up:
Former Gov. and Secretary Tom Ridge
Mitt Romney (Don't like him, but still more qualified)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty
Former Sen. Bill Frist
Former Secretary Colin Powell (talk about a chance at evening the field)
Sen. Lamar Alexander
Sen. Jim Bunning
Former Secretary William Bennett
Sen. Norm Coleman
Sen. Lindsay Graham
Sen. Chuck Hagel
Sen. James Inhofe
Sen. Richard Lugar
Sen. John Sununu
Gov. Charlie Crist...etc., etc., etc.
I would disagree with much of these potential running mates positions, but could not argue their experience compared to a second year of her first term Gov. of one of the smallest states in the Union (population wise)
I have a distinct memory of an episode of the West Wing (that I am paraphrasing here) where President Bartlett is arguing with his Vice President, which whom he famously did not get along, and finally the VP tries to resign. Bartlett refuses to accept the resignation with a four word note reading "Because I could die." That's it peeps. That's the major function of a Vice President. Anyone who says it's sexist to critique this choice should take another look at who was passed over and tell me how this is a better choice for America. I'm waiting to hear a reasonable explanation.


just me September 1, 2008 at 12:05 PM  

I'm enjoying your blog a lot. Keep up the great work! Feel free to check mine out - I used to post a lot but have slacked off lately. - J.

Dr. Bruiser Cherryhill, PhD. September 1, 2008 at 12:08 PM  

Thanks! Just started, getting the sea legs up and running. Appreciate the props and I'll check yours out.

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