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Friday, September 26, 2008

I can't help myself.

I didn't start this only as a Political blog, I really didn't. I have many interests: movies, TV, writings of various sorts, art, jello wrestling, naked twister. Still, these days, it's difficult to verge off this topic, and here's why: I'm tired. I'm tired of the ridiculous nature of politics. I'm tired of being talked too like I can't read. I'm tired of the Country being led down dangerous paths based on lies and half truths. I'm tired of having my patriotism questioned because I don't believe in stupid. Mostly, I'm tired of the attitude that if you have the ability to speak coherently and have half a thought, you are an elitist, and therefore somehow unfit for office...

What brought on this rant?

My favorite whipping post these days.

I rewatched some of that Katie Couric interview with Gov. Palin and here's what I learned.

1. Alaska is located between Russian and Canada.

2. When Putin comes to the U.S., he flys right over Russia, darn it.

3. The American people don't care what Obama has to say about the economy, only what McCain says, because McCain is a reformer, and Obama is a politician. (hunh?)

4. There are no specific examples available of what, exactly, McCain's reformed, but that can be given to Katie at a later date.

5. Israel, well, they have the right to nuke Iran if they want and the U.S. should stay out of it. Heck, we don't want a second Holocaust, after all. (Although I am surprised of the accidental admission that the first Holocaust happened, at this point.)

6. Let's take the fight to them. Hockey mom's are cool. Small town people are better than big city folk. I'm holier than thou.

If you are a voter and you are still on board the Palin bandwagon after this interview, then, really you are a Partisan hack with no self respect. And, if one more person says she has foreign policy experience because Alaska is next to Russia, then I will spontaneously combust.


P.S. When I'm Being Agreed With By The National Review, Watch Out. Conservative Columnist calls for Palin to drop out, here.


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