Open Mouth, Insert Pump
Let's review kids. Friday, Sen. Schizophrenic calls out Sen. Obama at a debate for saying that if terrorists are in Pakistan (which they most surely are) we should go after them. (Prompting a fantastic comeback reminding us how Sen Schizo likes to sing "bomb iran" to Beach Boys tunes). The next day, his brilliant running mate basically says she agrees with Sen. Obama. (Pakistan, apparently, being a country where the leaders don't fly over her house, she was rightfully confused). Sunday, McCain goes on the Sunday morning pundit shows and, again, has to cover for his running mate. This time, stating, that you shouldn't trust overheard conversations as statements of policy.
WHAT? Again, I must ask, DO YOU THINK WE ARE STUPID?? What's more likely a genuine statement of a person's beliefs, a conversation that is unscripted or the reading off of talking points scripted, apparently, in part by Henry Kissinger, Mr. Vietnam.
Sen. McCain, because the American people are generally, well, dumb, you could win this thing. It is unthinkable that you would put Gov. Palin second in line for the presidency. Do what some of your own party is starting to beg you to do. Find a nice family emergency for her to attend to and appoint Tom Ridge to take her place. You speak about "Country First" and then you pull this crap. Do you think, maybe, if you would have asked her a few questions before anointing her you may have heard how RIDICULOUS she sounds? It's Sunday morning, and you are driving me to drink, Sir.
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