I'm not from Washington...
I'm from Crawford, Texas...oops, I mean Alaska.
I just got done listening to the Repub. VP acceptance speech on the radio while driving home from a dinner. I should have stayed at the bar and drank heavily. The end result was the same, a taste of vomit in the back of my throat.
We've heard this outsider myth before. Tell me the American people aren't so stupid as to believe the party that has been in power for eight long years is the one to "change" the nature of Washington. You've done such a good job over the past eight years that you've had to keep your sitting President away from your own convention. Nice line, too, about Obama waiting on terrorists to "read them their rights." That's what we need, another four years of using the Constitution as a urinal.
It was interesting to hear the Gov. speak of McCain being beaten by the establishment in his 2000 run for the Presidency, in front of the very establishment that used Karl Rovian smear tactics to end his 2000 run.
And sure, I don't think a candidate's family is fair game...but then should they be paraded around like cheerful nodding muppets? Pick one, Palin. Rather than discussing well developed policy differences, this speech chose to insult and belittle. Typical, but disappointing.
Sen. McCain, I honestly thought you were better than this show, but I've been disappointed before and I will be again.
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