Stop Pissing Me Off...Extended Mix
Traitor Joe. "John McCain had the courage to stand against the tide of public opinion and support the surge.”
How about the more appropriate, "Waaaaaaaa, Democrats tried to vote me out of office, so I'm gonna be independent, and now I'm gonna come to the Republican Convention and piss on all of you who voted for my ticket in 2000."
Memo to my friend Al, do you think, in hindsight, maybe this wasn't the best choice for VP. "Hmmm, how about that Florida Senator, Bob Graham... wonder if he's available."
__________________________________________________ George
"My fellow citizens, we live in a dangerous world. And we need a president who understands the lessons of September 11, 2001."
That is so true. You weren't it.
We also need a president who can read at a third grade level. You weren't it.
__________________________________________________ Bad Senator, Bad Actor. "[Gov. Palin] has taken on the political establishment in the largest state in the union."
Um, yeah, Alaska is large. Population, 670,000 people as of July 2006 California, 36,458,000. DO YOU THINK WE ARE IDIOTS??????
Source, (U.S. Bureau of the Census) _________________________________________________ I still blame you for this.
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